Saturday, May 5, 2012

USU Master's Degree

Megan is DONE!  Master's of Science in Psychology at Utah State University.  

The celebration was awesome with all the pomp and circumstance, good food, and family.

We are proud of her many long hours of dedication, selfless internship hours, and amazing vision that will influence all those around her.  Love you Megan!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hmm...any similarities?

Finn  -  Dennen

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Just went to hide my new stash of Swedish Fish in my favorite hiding spot and found A WHOLE BOX OF SWEDISH FISH AND a half bag of hidden Cadbury Eggs.  All forgotten....but now discovered.

Yum - the future is mine.   HA-ha-ha- ha- gah-ha!!