We started out with a great breakfast at our bed and breakfast. We then walked downtown and found the trail that went up over Mitka Island past the ball fields and past the airport.
We arrived at Sandy Beach Park and went down to the beach to see some icebergs. It was pretty amazing for two people who had never touched icebergs before.
Our visit with LeRoy and Samantha at the Waterfront Inn was delightful. LeRoy was quite the character and told us about his heart attack and diabetes. Samantha was a little Irish lady probably about 4'5" tall. Both were very friendly and LeRoy even shared some of his smoked salmon and saltines with us.
We boarded the Fairweather Alaska ferry to get to Juneau. We GET TO SEE RACHEL!!!
On the ferry ride we saw beautiful scenery and probably about 20 whales. We saw them come up out of the water flip their tails, use their blowholes, and submerge. I even saw one rolling and slapping his flippers on the water. He was quite the show off.
Rachel and Jedediah picked us up at the ferry terminal and took us to a salmon fish hatchery, which was fascinating. We went on the Flume Trail and through downtown Juneau. We ate at the Hanger Restaurant. It was really good and then they brought us back to our hotel out in the valley near Mendenhall glacier.