Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Consider Myself an Athlete

While conversing with a TA at work, it became apparent that I am not seen as what I think I am.  She is a PE major and VERY funny....lot's of great stories.  As we have swapped tales, the expression on her face as she honestly exclaims, "Sister Smith, I just can't see you doing that," when I speak of anything that involves athleticism:  running, skiing, biking, winning triathlons, canoeing across the Great Lakes, etc.  You get the picture.

Honeycomb Canyon at Solitude
The gym rat lifestyle does not suit me, so in all honesty, I have realized that I am not an athlete during December and January.  Chocolate and high-fat foods give me the cranked up high that thrill-seeking activities deliver other months.

Something about my appearance, or perhaps my occupation, simply does not place me in the group where individuals are pegged immediately as fitness buffs.  Perhaps I shall pump iron.

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