Friday, April 5, 2013


Does anyone else get that little pit-in-the-gut feeling when you have to prove you're not a robot.  I know that I'm supposed to be smarter than a robot, but when those little codes come up and I can't tell an "a" from and "8" or an "r" from and "n" and then I have to do it all again....and then I wonder, "Do I put the space in?"  "Do I capitalize?"

Sometimes I just don't have the energy to fail.


Unknown said...

Yes, I hardley ever get it right the first time. It drives me nuts! But when I didn't have it on our blog, we got all sorts of crazy comments/ads.

Birrell Family said...

I think this every time and count on failing several times... just imagine how difficult it will be as our eye sight fails :)

MSmith said...

I'm there already.