Sunday, November 27, 2011

Snot on My Shoulder

Gladdenings of My Heart:

snot on my shoulder - cause I've been loved by our smallest one

pat on the head - cause the black-haired youngest offspring has lovingly passed behind my chair

masterful gift wrapping with perfect curly ribbons - cause the sandwiched daughter adds extra love as a finishing touch

goofy face in family photos - cause hairless son-in-law fills the left ventricle of my heart

words of thanks - cause red-headed gal thinks to acknowledge the little things

helpful hands - cause the tallest one sees my fatigue

bright side of things noticed - cause the humorist in the eldest son always sees it

turkey carcass in my soup pot - cause thoughts of a sister's turkey carcass simultaneously submerged pop into my brain

wide-stance-hands-in-pockets musings - cause moments observing or listening to my brother link laugh, language, and Lairdisms back a generation or two

calls or visits perfectly timed - cause my mother always knows

heartwarming stories - cause my dad shares them with love, wisdom, and humor

efforts given - cause my father-in-law does everything possible to assist

bulwark of strength - cause my eternal companion is by my side loving, forgiving, strengthening, and listening

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