Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't Fold Underwear

After a few years of folding other people's underwear, I deemed it an unnecessary effort.  As soon as it is tidily tucked in the drawer, the wearers use the egg beater approach to find their favorites.  Done.  I will match socks, but that's as far as it goes.  Clean undies are delivered in a wad to the wearers' drawers.

Other household tips:
*scrub tubs and showers while you're still naked
*dust with anything that you have in hand at the time (socks are great)
*mop using two dishtowels, one under each foot, then launder using bleach

*use the washing machine as a salad spinner
*a lawnmower works great for grinding yard waste
*use the dishwasher to clean floor vents and proof bread (not at the same time)
*sort and hang kids' clothes in matching sets and lower closet rods to their height
*use drawers only for p.j.s and underwear
*if the windows are dirty, close the blinds
*assign chores as soon as children can walk
*you'll never have to turn socks if they are removed by standing on the toe
*vacuums suck up Barbie clothes and army men
*mud trackers must remove their shoes
*pass the Windex to travelers in the mini van so they can shine the windows
*for easy vomit removal, cover car seats with towels...just shake out the chunks and launder

....then spend your time skiing....

1 comment:

Birrell Family said...

I find myself doing these... very practical ideas that have helped me lower my bar and save time. Hope you are doing good. I am in LA until wednesday... craft and hobby show! Looking forward to getting home. I bet you skied today?