Thursday, January 20, 2011

Funny Ol' Married Folks

It's interesting how ol' married folks take on roles over the years.

She - turns down the bed at night and puts the decorative pillows on the floor, next morning makes her side.
He - makes his side of the bed and puts the decorative pillows back on the bed.

She - reads and marks the maps.
He - drives and remembers exactly where we've been with the compass in his head.

She - scrubs the tub, shower, toilets.

He - squeegies the shower door.

She - gives the alert of any burned-out lightbulb.
He - gets the chair to replace bulbs.

She - weeds and gardens.
He - mows.

She - counts the pennies, nickles, and dimes.

He - keeps track of the big picture.

She - brings the garbage can in from the street.

He - takes it out to the curb.

She - measures and marks.

He - makes the cut.

...and the miracle of all this is that we are blissfully happy with these arrangements...

1 comment:

Birrell Family said...

You guys do marriage right! We love you both :)