Monday, January 24, 2011

Napping Nose

Curious thing lately -

Whenever I nap, my nose freezes.  This does not ever occur at night when I sleep.  During the day, our home is warmed to 72 degrees.  I do not understand.

My nose literally wakes me from slumber and covering my face with the pillow, blanket, or hand obstructs oxygen flow.

Must I give up napping altogether, or perhaps have my daughter crochet me a nose sock that still allows nostril breathing?  Naps are necessary.  It is getting rather infuriating.


Birrell Family said...

A nose sock. Hilary can do it and I would love to see it on Etsy. We keep our heat down to 67ish and our kids think we are trying to kill them.

bulkleybunch said...

you can never give up napping!!! that is one of my most favorite guilty pleasures of all time. :)

Unknown said...

A nose sock eh? I don't know if I'm quite up to the task. My nose gets cold when I sleep too.