Monday, May 9, 2011

Giddy with Joy

Visiting a nursery, early in the spring, when it's raining outside, when nobody else is planting, gives  immense joy to a true gardener.  Before a nursery visit, all half-started projects must be complete so that purchases can be made without guilt.  One must feel confident that the newbies feel immediately welcomed and at home.

Black, rich potting soil was lovingly and carefully deposited along the lawn edge on the south side of my house.  In the rain, it was leveled and Swiss Chard seeds that had sprouted on a paper towel-lined cookie sheet were placed in their little furrow and gently covered.  Rain took care of the rest as a coupon-blessed customer cruised to the target destination in American Fork.

Finding solid flats of annuals is a treat because the little plants seem to do better throughout the year and one feels noble, somewhat smug, getting a better price. 

Impatiens were purchased.... lavender

and white....

Geraniums never come in a solid flat, and one can justify their purchase if the mental monetary limit for the day is not reached.  The intoxicating fragrance of geranium leaves takes control over any power of reason.  The aforementioned coupon kept the purchase just under the limit. 

When the rain eased up and the weather verified online, geraniums were welcomed into my yard.  Impatiens will have to wait until the threat of a few cold nights passes.  They are snuggled nicely against the garbage cans in the garage awaiting their turn.

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