Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let the Battle Begin

Salad for slugs.  That is what my efforts have yielded in the past week.  I will not be outdone!!!!
My arsenal to be rid of the slimey creatures is "Slug Be Gone" and crushed egg shells.  The little darlin's better have x's in their eyes by morning.

The colius that was welcomed into my yard wimped out at the cold weather and decided to leave their bodies here on earth and travel to heaven.

I have to keep telling myself that the "ing" is the part of gardening that makes for success.  In the long run, only the survivors are allow to remain in my garden.

Slugs - be warned, I just purchased $31.99 of slug bait and it has been sprinkled around each of the salvia plants (your personal favorites as of late).

So......BE GONE!!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

The birds in my yard have FEASTED on my beautiful little lettuce sprouts. Every morning I come out to mark their progress and all I see is chomped down little stubs.

SO annoying!

Any idea what I should do? Our dog is worthless.