Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Journey

While attending my nephew's wedding reception at the White Willow in Provo on Thursday, I asked my sweet daughter and her handsome husband if this place brought back memories. My brain is filled with great thoughts of that beautiful day three years ago when the White Willow was theirs for the day as they began their journey of life together.

Thursday was a busy day with many people and much activity, so I'm sure that Megan-n-Josh weren't aware of the person that told a person that told a person that told a person that told me that they saw the two of them steal away to the arbor where they were wed and share a kiss and a hug.

.....made this ol' mom's heart happy....

Enjoy your journey of love.


Anonymous said...

:) it's true we did :)

Katie said...

She was SO beautiful that day.

breath taking