Friday, November 5, 2010


When I was a kid, we ironed things. My sister used our Ironrite to iron the more complicated items. I did the pillowcases. This thing scared the b-geebers out of me. It would make a loud BANG noise and release the roller that pressed against the hot metal plate if it got hung up on something - like your ARM. I'm pretty sure the warning labels on appliances today would warn against use by children, but then we were a might tough group.


Maggie said...

That thing just LOOKS scary

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe you all survived to adult-hood! With all your limbs too.

paul & ashlee said...

i will say those machines built BACK THEN! work better than what we have now. we have a microwave at work (dad and mom bought when i was born) that still works like a charm today. true it looks scarier than anything and you wonder if it will blow up, but it works. i too, am glad you survived with all limbs toughy.