Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saving Money

While trying to maneuver my tanker-sized cart down the aisle to save $3 on a coupon purchase at Costco, I intentionally strained to hear a heated debate between husband and wife over which toilet paper to purchase:

Him: "There's the Charmin, I'll get it."

Her: "Wait a minute. If we use the coupon on it, it still might be more."

Him: "More than what?"

Her: "The Kirkland brand."

Him: "I hate unwrapping each roll in the Kirkland brand."

Her: "Let me figure it out (whips out calculator)."

Him: "Charmin's softer."

Her: "We save 4 cents a roll with Kirkland."

Him: "The Charmin's already in the cart."

Her: "Take it out and put in the Kirkland."

Him: "grumble, grumble, grumble..."

As they depart, I throw in a case of Charmin (because it's softer and I hate unwrapping each roll) and make my way down the aisle after them.

Abrupt screeching of the shopping cart wheels (their cart, then mine).

Him: "Hey honey, here's some of that Moose Munch Popcorn!!!"

Her: "OOOO-HHH."

Him: "Should we get it?"

Her: "I love that stuff."

Him: "Do you see how much it is?"

Her: "Put it in."

Cost = $9.37, but they saved $1.92 on the Kirkland brand of t.p.


megs and josh said...

LOL ha haaa ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH! josh and i do that all the time when we go shopping together.

Maggie said...

I hate unwrapping the toilet paper! And I also like a little thicker ply than what kirkland gives. I guess everyone splurges on different things.

Birrell Family said...

Funny! We can all talk ourselves in or out of anything! TP is very important decision!