Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Breckenridge New Day

There are a few things I don't notice that are going on in the background relationship of Jane and Mel.

We were sitting at our waffle breakfast and Jane was signing for the breakfast. The waitress left her pen at the table for the signature. When the waitress came to pick up the paper she asked if she could pick up pen as well. Jane slides it out from under the edge of her plate. 

After she left, Mel says, "Didn't work that time Jane."

"Well I keep losing them."

These two rock my world. Ha ha ha ha ha.

We visited Washington Mine Tour north of Breckenridge and learned that mining was a really tough life. 

Old wheel barrel. 

Inside the equipment shed. 

The Cornish came from the coal mines back East and were really good miners.  They were small, strong and knowledgeable about safe mining procedures. The Italians were the good blacksmiths.

The area around Breckenridge was all about getting the gold at first. Later silver was also mined. 

Each miner used a maximum of three candles per day for a 10 hour day. They had to buy their own candles. It was considered very bad luck if your candle went out three times in the mine or if anyone saw three rats leaving the mine. No one else could re-light your candle if yours went out. You had to use your matches because it was considered bad luck to have someone else light yours from his. It would drain the soul of the person who lit your candle. Women were not allowed in the mines or anywhere near because they were considered bad luck. However, the mining claims usually had women's names.

Then downtown. 

1 comment:

Emily S said...

The pen story was great! I wish I could send Grandma Jane all of our extra pens - for some reason we just keep accumulating them and I'm not sure where to put them. I'm guessing once the kids start using them at school they'll disappear rather quickly.