Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Highlights of the Laird Talent Show:  Rachel read about Yule Logs, Josh threw Megan through the air, Greg read a tribute "The Greatest Generation," Marci did 7 men's push-ups (after two months training, may I add), Charlotte and Maggie sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," Little Greg and Nathan did gymnastics, Denise handed out poppers, Dan shared doctorly x-rays of a broken wrist, Catherine sang, Lexi played guitar and sang, Grandma Jane read a book, Garth passed a pot, Grandpa Mel read a self-composed poem, Tyler performed magic, Katie and Garrett did a song with elbow tooters.

The white elephant exchange had an oriental flair this year.  Most embarassing gifts:  a black teddy and slippers.

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